Now we can finally blog about our PDC sessions. We have been working for more then a year on this data language integration stuff and it is quite exciting to be able to talk about it publicly. Here are the sessions involved. They are all tied together by a common theme. They are all part of the same big project.

The .NET Language Integrated Query Framework: An Overview’
This is an overview of the overall project. Anders is an excellent speaker and this is a prerequisite for the other sessions. Don’t miss it

C#: Future Directions in Language Innovation from Anders Hejlsberg
Mr. Anders again. If you are a C# programmer, this is one you really want to see

Using the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework with Relational Data
Despite the speaker (probably yours truly) this is a great talk, databases and objects, hmmm sounds interesting

Using the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework with XML Data
Do you want to see how to query XML in a rather innovative way? Here you have it

Visual Basic: Future Directions in Language Innovation
This is the equivalent of Anders’ C# talk. Come and see where VB is going