Parsing QIF Quicken files in C#


I’m slightly prouder of the struc­ture of this code than the one in the pre­vi­ous blog post. You can sim­ply in­herit from QIFParserBase and over­ride a cou­ple of ab­stract meth­ods to cus­tomize the be­hav­ior. Still, I just tested it on a cou­ple of test QIF files. It is not pro­duc­tion qual­ity at all.

Notice that I don’t even have Quicken. I’m pro­duc­ing these test file with FundManager, which I use for my in­vest­ments. If your soft­ware gen­er­ates QIF files dif­fer­ently, than you have to mod­ify the code. It should­n’t be too hard.

It works with VS 2008 beta 2.


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Parsing QIF Quicken files in C
