LINQ to SQL Overview - video


This is my pre­sen­ta­tion from TechEd Barcelona: The link has been fixed. It should work now. Let me know if it does­n’t. http://​www.mi­​emea/​msdn/​spot­light/​ses­sionh.aspx?videoid=716. The European lo­cale brings out my Italian ac­cent

 On this page there are a bunch of in­ter­est­ing pre­sen­ta­tions (i.e. Anders on LINQ): http://​www.mi­​emea/​msdn/​spot­light/​de­fault.aspx




Charlie Calvert's Community Bl


Welcome to the forty-first Community Convergence. The big news this week is that we have moved Future

Rohit Sharma


Just got this link from the MSDN and this is a big mile­stone for Microsoft. Amazzzzing stuff you guys have made and I se­ri­ously ap­pre­ci­ate it.
I like the way you have cov­ered the var­i­ous fea­tures and ex­pla­na­tion in your thick Italian ac­cent.
This will go a long way and may change de­sign to a big ex­tent. Kudos to the en­tire team.
ro­hit­s79 -

Thanks for the kind words.
Which ac­cent are you re­fer­ring to? :)

Padu Merlotti


I sent the video link to a good friend of mine just to pro­voke him. He is ital­ian, but his ital­ian ac­cent is ter­ri­ble (we moved to spain when 12, then to eng­land at 20, to brazil at 28 and to the usa at 30. He knows 5-6 lan­guages, but none that he can claim his own :-)
I’ve watched your pre­sen­ta­tion and it was very clear and lu­cid. If I was re­luc­tant about LINQ, now I’m start­ing to adopt it. But there are a few miss­ing points in my mind, and by read­ing sev­eral blogs these last days, these ques­tions also ex­ist on the mind of many. For ex­am­ple, how LINQ fits the n-tier de­vel­op­ment model?
I see that there are two schools of thought nowa­days, one that says to hell with DAL, LINQ to SQL is” your DAL, and the other that says that LINQ is only use­ful as a RAD tool in small pro­jects (or bounded within a tra­di­tional DAL).
Right now I’m ex­per­i­ment­ing with the first ap­proach, cre­at­ing en­cap­su­lated wcf ser­vices that makes LINQ queries di­rectly to the dat­a­con­text ob­tained by the O/R de­signer, but I can surely see what prob­lems may come up in a big sys­tem.
It would be very nice to hear some­thing from an au­thor­ity of the sub­ject. Don’t you want to blog about it?
Saluti di uno Italiano-Brasiliano

Padu Merlotti


oops… re­place we moved” to he moved”

Wriju's BLOG


Luca, the Microsoft Lead Program Manager, he is one of my fa­vorite pre­sen­ters. The way he demon­strate

Bryan Reynolds


Padu Merlotti,
Great com­ment! We are faced with those ques­tions.  Technology is mov­ing quickly, which makes those ques­tion you pose dif­fi­cult to an­swer.  
For ex­am­ple if you de­cide to use LINQ to SQL as you data ac­cess layer and your busi­ness layer what do you unit test?  Do you unit test?

Padu Merlotti


I use NUnit for more tra­di­tional ar­chi­tected sys­tems. This is go­ing to be the first SOA sys­tem that I de­sign. Haven’t thought yet if NUnit will fit the new model or if I’ll have to use (or come up) with some­thing else.

Hi Padu,
I nor­mally think of L2S as my DAL. If you need a DAL with more ca­pa­bil­i­ties (i.e. more com­plex ob­ject re­la­tional map­pings), then L2E is your best choice.
If you don’t like how the L2S API works (i.e. maybe your cus­tomers need a com­pany spe­cific way to ac­cess data), then it make sense to en­cap­su­late L2S in your own DAL.
In sum­mary, it de­pends :-)

Padu Merlotti


I’m in the first week of de­vel­op­ment… that’s ex­actly what I’m do­ing.
My wcf ser­vices en­cap­su­late my L2S EL (Entity Layer, term that I stole from a blog I read this week).
So far so good…
I usu­ally don’t like pa­per thin DALs.

Really nice Vid, fi­nally I’m on the way to un­der­stand LINQ ;)

Another ru­bish from Microsoft.
Do they know what mul­ti­ple lay­ers mean…
Man what a com­pletely ru­bish.