Luca presenting F# at PDC 2008


Next Thursday at 1.45pm I will pre­sent An in­tro­duc­tion to Microsoft F#” at PDC 2008. If you are there, please stop by or drop by the lounge area to chat.

There are a bunch of other great ses­sions from my team. They are all good (I swear I tried to for­mat John’s ses­sion cor­rectly, but failed).




Chris Smith's completely uniqu


I’m writ­ing this from the big room’ in the LA Convention Center.If you don’t know, PDC is a HUGE con­fer­ence

Excellent ex­cel­lent PDC talk!  If peo­ple missed it, worth view­ing the record­ing…  Someone has fi­nally pre­sented F# as it should be, i.e. in a func­tional way, not as yet an­other .NET lan­guage.  Thanks Luca.

Petr Lepilov


Thank you very much! This was the one of the best ses­sions on PDC

Thanks for the ex­cel­lent and funny talk Luca!