Luca Bolognese leaves Microsoft


FYI I im­ported all the posts from the old MSDN blog to this one. Hence this post does­n’t make sense any­more. I left it here for mem­ory sake. BTW: I am also back in msft now (30/11/2018).

This is my last post on this blog. My new blog is here: http://​­

I ac­cepted a role as Director for Credit Suisse in London. I’m ex­cited by the op­por­tu­nity to work in the fi­nan­cial in­dus­try, a long-stand­ing de­sire of mine. I’m also ex­cited to write more F# code and to be closer to Italy, where my ex­tended fam­ily is.

The past ten years in Microsoft have been a wild ride. I’m proud to have been part of ObjectSpaces, Generics, LINQ and F# (and much more …). I’ve been lucky to be able to post on this blog and pre­sent at con­fer­ences about such in­no­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies. It has all been a lot of fun. I’m sure the next ten years will be as good.

I’ll see you guys on my new blog.




Eber Irigoyen


great loss for Microsoft; the com­pany I work for (ACS, Xerox) does some work for Credit Suisse, hope to work with you some time in the fu­ture

Judah Himango


I’m sure your tal­ents will be missed. Good luck, Luca!

Thanks for the kind words.

Edmondo Pentangelo


Benvenuto a Londra :)
Ci siamo in­con­trati al PDC meet the ex­pert in 2008. Abbiamo par­lato a lungo di F#.
Io la­voro a Morgan Stanley a Canary Wharf, e prob­a­bil­mente tu la­vor­erai nel palazzo di fronte al mio. Incredibile co­in­ci­denza.
Vieni al meetup April F#unctional Londoners Meetup” il 21 Aprile ?

Daniel Carey


Because of you (and Chris Smith), I’ve started con­vert­ing some of our in­sur­ance cal­cu­la­tions to f#. You are a great pre­sen­ter and hope you can still find time. Best wishes to you and yours.

Thank you guys for the kind words …

Ch Ch ch Ch ch changes :)
Good luck in your new ad­ven­tures. I hope you’ll set up a new blog sooner than later, as I re­ally en­joy read­ing your take on lan­guages and such.
I hope you’ll also con­tinue speak­ing from time to time at confs. I at­tended your Linq2SQL talk on TechEd Israel back on 2006, and it was the best talk there.

Claudio Cherubino


Luca, good luck for your new ad­ven­ture!
I cur­rently work for IFM Infomaster with your for­mer Italian col­leagues and I’ve heard a lot of ex­cel­lent things about you. :)
Maybe we’ll have a chance to meet soon as I just ac­cepted an of­fer from Google and I’ll be based in London start­ing from May 1st.

Moukarram Kabbash


At most I will miss your pre­sen­ta­tions at the var­i­ous con­fer­ences. Good luck

Thanks every­one.
Claudio: let’s keep in touch. They must be do­ing some­thing right in this IFM place … It must be Massimo, or Mario maybe …

But now I can’t look for­ward to your in­for­ma­tion + funny pre­sen­ta­tions at TechEd or PDC!!
Best of luck in the fu­ture though Luca - and thanks for all the great stuff you helped bring through in the last few years!

Awesome news. I work at Credit-Suisse London. See you soon.

Thanks every­one.
Ankit: I’ll see you there :-)

Rick Minerich


I en­joyed our brief con­ver­sa­tion at PDC very much but wish he had been able to talk more.  Please do keep blog­ging, I’ll be look­ing for­ward to your posts.