I have been DEEP FRIED!


LogoYep, here is my in­ter­view with the Deep Fried Bytes guys on var­i­ous soft­ware top­ics. Enjoy.




Eber Irigoyen


oh nice, I’ll have to check it out on my next gym work­out (the time I lis­ten to pod­casts)

It’s the ideal work­out tape. That’s how we planned for peo­ple to lis­ten to it :-)

Sorry to see you leave MS … will GREATLY miss your pre­sen­ta­tions at PDC (and other MS events)!! Yours are al­ways fun, prac­ti­cal and very in­for­ma­tive! I have the WMVs of your talks about … Linq to SQL, FSharp (two of them) and CSharp fu­tures … all are among my fa­vorites! …
Have you thought about writ­ing a book? You’re ex­pert in CSharp and FSharp … if you do a FSharp book I would DEFINITELY be in­ter­ested!

Thanks for the kind words keith. I’m afraid my new job takes me far­ther away from writ­ing a book. But I might be able to de­liver a ses­sion at a con­fer­ence every once in a while. We’ll see …

This was a great pod­cast. Thanks for this! In the pod­cast, you men­tion a demo where you evolved an app for CSV files. I’m par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in see­ing how you changed the app to be more de­clar­a­tive. Is there any chance that you can pro­vide the source code for this? Thanks in ad­vance.

I don’t re­mem­ber ex­actly, but I think I was re­fer­ring to this: http://​mi­crosoft­pdc.com/​Ses…

Dear Luca,
I am sorry I can not find your email so I am us­ing the com­ment to ask you this:
Since you are work­ing at Credit Suisse and ex­pert in F#, may I ask if you are be­hind this job of­fer ?
Best re­gards

Yes, but now we have closed our hir­ing sea­son for this year. We’ll post again when/​if it opens up again. Cheers.

I am look­ing for a work place­ment as C#/F# de­vel­oper to com­plete my stud­ies and this job of­fer was re­ally in­ter­est­ing !

Johann Strydom


Hi Luca,
Great fan of you work!
I’m af­ter the Financial Functions code you did to pro­vide Excel func­tions in a .Net li­brary
The MSDN site seems to be down. Not sure whats up with that, but did email them about it

Hi, it seems that the site is back up again.