Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours in F# – Part I


Hi, I’m back. I’ve fi­nally sorted out the guide­lines for blog­ging in Credit Suisse.

Here is some­thing I have been play­ing around with in the spare time be­tween one meet­ing and the next one.  It is a Scheme in­ter­preter that in­cludes a REPL win­dow. The full code is here.

All the smarts for it come from this Wiki Book. I just ported the code to F# (and mod­i­fied it a bit). I thought the com­par­i­son might be in­ter­est­ing, so here we go. Thanks to Tobias and Jose for re­view­ing the code, find one bug and sug­gest im­prove­ments.

Before we start look­ing at the real code, here is what we are try­ing to ac­com­plish in form of test cases. If you are a bit rusty on LISP syn­tax, you might want to try and see if you un­der­stand what it does.

Our goal is to make all this XUnit test cases pass. Each of the lists be­low con­tains the Scheme state­ment and the re­sult to dis­play in the REPL win­dow.

open Xunit
open Lisp.Repl
open Lisp.Parser
open Lisp.SymbolTable
let eval env = evalString env >> showVal
let initEnv () = primitiveBindings () |> loadStdLib
let test tests =
    let env = initEnv ()
    tests |> List.iter (fun (expr, result) -> Assert.Equal(result, eval env expr))
let simpleEval() =
    let tests = [
        "(+ 2 2)", "4"
        "(+ 2 (- 4 1))", "5"
        "(- (+ 4 6 3) 3 5 2)", "3"
    test tests
let errorCheck() =
    let tests = [
         "(+ 2 \"two\")", "\"Invalid type: expected number, found \"two\"\""
         "(+ 2)", "\"Expected 2 args; found values 2\""
         "(what? 2)", "\"Getting an unbound variable: what?\""
    test tests
let moreEval() =
    let tests = [
         "(< 2 3)", "#t"
         "(> 2 3)", "#f"
         "(>= 3 3)", "#t"
         "(string=? \"test\" \"test\")", "#t"
         "(string=? \"abcd\" \"dsft\")", "#f"
         "(if (> 2 3) \"no\" \"yes\")", "\"yes\""
         "(if (= 3 3) (+ 2 3 (- 5 1)) \"unequal\")", "9"
         "(cdr '(a simple test))", "(simple test)"
         "(car (cdr '(a simple test)))", "simple"
         "(car '((this is) a test))", "(this is)"
         "(cons '(this is) 'test)", "((this is) . test)"
         "(cons '(this is) '())", "((this is))"
         "(eqv? 1 3)", "#f"
         "(eqv? 3 3)", "#t"
         "(eqv? 'atom 'atom)", "#t"
    test tests
let assignement() =
    let tests = [
        "(define x 3)", "3"
        "(+ x 2)", "5"
        "(+ y 2)", "\"Getting an unbound variable: y\""
        "(define y 5)", "5"
        "(+ x (- y 2))", "6"
        "(define str \"A string\")", "\"A string\""
        "(< str \"The string\")", "\"Invalid type: expected number, found \"A string\"\""
        "(string<? str \"The string\")", "#t"
    test tests
let closure() =
    let tests = [
        "(define (f x y) (+ x y))", "(lambda (\"x\" \"y\") ...)"
        "(f 1 2)", "3"
        "(f 1 2 3)", "\"Expected 2 args; found values 1 2 3\""
        "(define (factorial x) (if (= x 1) 1 (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))", "(lambda (\"x\") ...)"
        "(factorial 10)", "3628800"
        "(define (counter inc) (lambda (x) (set! inc (+ x inc)) inc))", "(lambda (\"inc\") ...)"
        "(define my-count (counter 5))", "(lambda (\"x\") ...)"
        "(my-count 3)", "8"
        "(my-count 6)", "14"
        "(my-count 5)", "19"
    test tests
let predefinedFunctions() =
    let tests = [
        "(map (curry + 2) '(1 2 3 4))", "(3 4 5 6)"
        "(filter even? '(1 2 3 4))", "(2 4)"
    test tests
let varargsCountCheck() =
    let tests = [
        "(define (sum x y . lst) (fold + (* x y) lst))", "(lambda (\"x\" \"y\" . lst) ...)"
        "(sum 1 2 3)", "5"
        "(sum 1 1 1)", "2"
        "(sum 1 2)", "2"
        "(sum 1)", "\"Expected 2 args; found values 1\""
    test tests
