It is the evaluator turn. It is a big file, let’s see if I can fit it in a single post.

Aptly enough, the most important function is called eval.

eval env = function
| String _ as v -> v
| Number _ as v -> v
| Bool _ as v -> v
| Atom var -> getVar var env
| List [Atom "quote"; v] -> v
| List [Atom "if"; pred; conseq; alt] -> evalIf env pred conseq alt
| List [Atom "load"; fileName] -> load [fileName] |> (eval env) |> last
| List [Atom "set!" ; Atom var ; form] -> env |> setVar var (eval env form)
| List [Atom "define"; Atom var; form] -> define env var (eval env form)
| List (Atom "define" :: (List (Atom var :: parms) :: body)) ->
    makeNormalFunc env parms body |> define env var
| List (Atom "define" :: (DottedList ((Atom var :: parms), varargs) :: body)) ->
    makeVarargs varargs env parms body |> define env var
| List (Atom "lambda" :: (List parms :: body)) -> makeNormalFunc env parms body
| List (Atom "lambda" :: (DottedList(parms, varargs) :: body)) -> makeVarargs varargs env parms body
| List (Atom "lambda" :: ((Atom _) as varargs :: body)) -> makeVarargs varargs env [] body
| List (func :: args) ->
    let f = eval env func
    let argVals = (eval env) args
    apply f argVals
| badForm -> throw (BadSpecialForm("Unrecognized special form", badForm))

This is the core of the evaluator. It takes as an input the LispVal generated by the parser and an environment and returns a LispVal that is the result of the reduction. As a side effect, it occasionally modify the environment. I carefully crafted the previous phrase to maximize the discomfort  of the functional programmers tuned in. Such fun 🙂

More seriously (?), here is what it does:

We have a bunch of ‘see below’ to take care of. We’ll look at them in order.

First the ‘if’ statement. If the evaluated predicate is Bool(True) evaluate the consequent, otherwise evaluate the alternative. For some reason, I wrote it the other way around.

    // 1a. If the evaluation of the pred is false evaluate alt, else evaluate cons
    evalIf env pred conseq alt =
        match eval env pred with
        | Bool(false) -> eval env alt
        | _ -> eval env conseq

Then there is the load function. It reads all the test and gets out the list of LispVal contained in it.

let load = fileIOFunction (fun fileName -> File.ReadAllText(fileName)
                                           |> readExprList)

ReadExprList is part of the parser. We’ll look at it then. Sufficient here to say that it takes a string and returns a list of LispVal.

FileIOFunction just encapsulates a common pattern in all the file access functions. I don’t like such mechanical factorization of methods, without any real reusability outside the immediate surroundings of the code. But I like repetition even less.

let fileIOFunction func = function
    | [String fileName] -> func (fileName)
    | [] -> throw (IOError("No file name"))
    | args -> throw (NumArgs(1, args))

A family of functions create FuncRecord given appropriate parameters. I seem to have lost memory of the contortions related to the last one. If I end up having to work again on this code, I’ll need to figure it out again. Note to myself, please comment this kind of code next time.

let makeFunc varargs env parms body =
            Func ({parms = ( showVal parms); varargs = varargs; body = body; closure = env})
let makeNormalFunc = makeFunc None
let makeVarargs = showVal >> Some >> makeFunc

apply is the other workhorse function in the evaluator.  The best way to understand it is to start from the bottom (where bindVars starts the line). We are binding the arguments and the variable arguments in the closure that has been passed in. We then evaluate the body. But the body is just a list of LispVal, so we just need to evaluate them in sequence and return the result of the last one.

and apply func args =
    match func with
    | PrimitiveFunc(f) -> f args
    | Func ({parms = parms; varargs = varargs; body = body; closure = closure}) ->
        let invalidNonVarargs = args.Length <> parms.Length && varargs.IsNone
        let invalidVarargs = args.Length < parms.Length && varargs.IsSome
        if invalidVarargs || invalidNonVarargs
            throw (NumArgs(parms.Length, args))
            let remainingArgs = args |> Seq.skip parms.Length |> Seq.toList
            let evalBody env = body |> (eval env) |> last
            let rec zip xs1 xs2 acc =
                match xs1, xs2 with
                | x1::xs1, x2::xs2 -> zip xs1 xs2 ((x1, x2)::acc)
                | _ -> acc
            let bindVarArgs arg env =
                match arg with
                | Some(argName) -> bindVars [argName, (List remainingArgs)] env
                | None -> env
            bindVars (zip parms args []) closure
                |> bindVarArgs varargs
                |> evalBody
    | funcName -> throw (NotFunction("Expecting a function, getting ", showVal funcName))

This is enough for one post. Next time we’ll finish the evaluator.