We have one loose end to tie in the evaluator: the primitive operators. These are things that the interpreter knows intrinsically. There is a list of them below.
let rec primitives =
"+", numericBinop (+)
"-", numericBinop (-)
"*", numericBinop (*)
"/", numericBinop (/)
"mod", numericBinop (%)
"=", numBoolBinop (=)
"<", numBoolBinop (<)
">", numBoolBinop (>)
"/=", numBoolBinop (<>)
">=", numBoolBinop (>=)
"<=", numBoolBinop (<=)
"&&", boolBoolBinop (&&)
"||", boolBoolBinop (||)
"string=?", strBoolBinop (=)
"string>?", strBoolBinop (>)
"string<?", strBoolBinop (<)
"string<=?", strBoolBinop (<=)
"string>=?", strBoolBinop (>=)
"car", car
"cdr", cdr
"cons", cons
"eq?", eqv
"eqv?", eqv
"equal?", equal
// IO primitives
"apply", applyProc
"open-input-file", makePort FileAccess.Read
"open-output-file", makePort FileAccess.Write
"close-input-port", closePort
"close-output-port", closePort
"read", readProc
"write", writeProc
"read-contents", readContents
"read-all", readAll
Having seen the above list, it now becomes clearer why the primitiveBindings function was defined as such. It just binds these pairs into the environment.
let primitiveBindings () =
(nullEnv ()) |> bindVars [ for v, f in primitives -> v, PrimitiveFunc f ]
numericBinop unpacks the numbers, applies the provided operator and packs the result back in the Number.
let numericBinop op parms =
if List.length parms < 2
then throw <| NumArgs(2, parms)
else parms |> List.map unpackNum |> foldl1 op |> Number
While we are at it, we can define _fold1 (_it tends to be useful)
let foldl1 op = function
| h::t -> List.fold op h t
| [] -> throw (Default("Expected a not empty list, got an empty list"))
The other XBinops work similarly …
let boolBinop unpacker op args =
match args with
| [ left; right ] -> Bool (op (unpacker left) (unpacker right))
| _ -> throw (NumArgs(2,args))
let numBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackNum
let strBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackStr
let boolBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackBool
We now have to look at the family of unpackers. They all work rather similarly. Notice Scheme making an effort to get a number out of a string and to get anything out of a list. Strong type folks won’t like that. Oh well, just remove these lines …
let rec unpackNum = function
| Number n -> n
| String n -> let success, result = System.Int32.TryParse n
if success
then result
else throw (TypeMismatch("number", String n))
| List [n] -> unpackNum n
| notNumber -> throw (TypeMismatch("number", notNumber))
let rec unpackStr = function
| String s -> s
| Number n -> n.ToString()
| Bool b -> b.ToString()
| List [s] -> unpackStr s
| noString -> throw (TypeMismatch("string", noString))
let rec unpackBool = function
| Bool b -> b
| List [b] -> unpackBool b
| noBool -> throw (TypeMismatch("boolean", noBool))
Now back to the list of primitive operators, there are the signature LISP operators car, cdr and cons. Just understanding the first line for each function should be enough to get an idea of what they do.
let car = function
| [List (x :: _)] -> x
| [DottedList (x :: _, _)] -> x
| [badArg] -> throw (TypeMismatch("pair", badArg))
| badArgList -> throw (NumArgs(1, badArgList))
let cdr = function
| [List (x :: xs)] -> List xs
| [DottedList ([xs], x)] -> x
| [DottedList ((_ :: xs), x)] -> DottedList (xs, x)
| [badArg] -> throw (TypeMismatch("pair", badArg))
| badArgList -> throw (NumArgs(1, badArgList))
let cons = function
| [x; List xs] -> List (x :: xs)
| [x; DottedList (xs, xlast)] -> DottedList (x :: xs, xlast)
| [x1; x2] -> DottedList([x1], x2)
| badArgList -> throw (NumArgs(2, badArgList))
We then need to work our way to implement eqv (aka eq? in Scheme). We first define a function that tests that two LispVal are the same. It should be pretty self explanatory (the list piece is kind of cute).
let rec eqvPrim e1 e2 =
match e1, e2 with
| (Bool b1, Bool b2) -> b1 = b2
| (Number n1, Number n2) -> n1 = n2
| (String s1, String s2) -> s1 = s2
| (Atom a1, Atom a2) -> a1 = a2
| (DottedList (xs, x), DottedList(ys, y)) -> eqvPrim (List (xs @ [x])) (List (ys @ [y]))
| (List l1, List l2) -> l1.Length = l2.Length && List.forall2 eqvPrim l1 l2
| _ -> false
Now we wrap the result in a Bool. Doing it this way avoid repeating the wrapping in each single line of eqvPrim (thanks to Tobias for spotting this refactoring).
let eqv = function
| [e1; e2] -> Bool (eqvPrim e1 e2)
| badArgList -> throw (NumArgs (2, badArgList))
Equal? checks if there is any unpacking scheme that can be used to test equality of the two elements of a two element list.
let equal = function
| [arg1; arg2] ->
let unpackEqual = numUnpackEq arg1 arg2 ||
strUnpackEq arg1 arg2 ||
boolUnpackEq arg1 arg2
Bool (eqvPrim arg1 arg2 || unpackEqual)
| argsList -> throw (NumArgs(2, argsList))
We need to define equality of packed primitive types. We do it nicely below.
let tryUnpacker (unpack : LispVal -> 'a) (op : 'a -> 'a -> bool) arg1 arg2 =
try op (unpack arg1) (unpack arg2) with _ -> false
let numUnpackEq = tryUnpacker unpackNum (=)
let strUnpackEq = tryUnpacker unpackStr (=)
let boolUnpackEq = tryUnpacker unpackBool (=)
The apply statement maps more or less directly to our apply function.
applyProc = function
| [func; List args] -> apply func args
| func :: args -> apply func args
| [] -> throw (Default("Expecting a function, got an empty list"))
And we are left with the I/O processing functions. We are simply wrapping a FileStream in a Port.
let makePort fileAccess = fileIOFunction (fun fileName ->
File.Open(fileName,FileMode.OpenOrCreate, fileAccess) |> Port)
let closePort = function
| [Port(port)] -> port.Close() ; Bool true
| _ -> Bool false
We then can read and write from it. Notice how the lack of arguments makes us do it from the standard Console.
let rec readProc port =
let parseReader (reader:TextReader) = reader.ReadLine() |> readExpr
match port with
| [] -> parseReader(System.Console.In)
| [Port(port)] ->
use reader = new StreamReader(port)
parseReader (reader)
| args -> throw (NumArgs(1, args))
let writeProc objPort =
let write obj (writer: TextWriter) = writer.Write(showVal obj) ; Bool true
match objPort with
| [obj] -> write obj (System.Console.Out)
| [obj ; Port(port)] ->
use writer = new StreamWriter(port)
write obj writer
| args -> throw (NumArgs(1, args))
There you go. A full evaluator in two blog posts!! Next up, the parser.
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