Let’ now look at the parser. First let’s review the grammar:
<expression> ::= <name> | <function> | <application>
<name> ::= nonblank character sequence
<function> ::= \ <name> . <body>
<body> ::= <expression>
<application> ::= ( <function expression> <argument expression> )
<function expression> ::= <expression>
<argument expression> ::= <expression>
And the data type to represent it:
type Name = string
and Body = Expression
and Function = Name * Expression
and FunctionExpression = Expression
and ArgumentExpression = Expression
and Expression =
| EName of string
| Function of Expression * Body
| Application of FunctionExpression * ArgumentExpression
In essence, the data type need to store all the information needed for subsequent stages of computation (i.e. beta reductions and such). The closer it is to the grammar, the better. In this case it looks pretty close.
Remember what is the main goal of our parser:
let parseTextReader: TextReader -> seq<Expression> =
textReaderToLazyList >> tokenStream >> parseExpressions
We have already looked at TextReaderToLazyList and tokenStream. Now it is the time to look at parseExpressions. It’s goal is to parse the LazyList
and parseExpressions tokens = seq {
let tokens = parseOptionalWs tokens
let expr, tokens = parseExpr tokens
let tokens = parseOptionalWs tokens
match expr with
| EOT -> yield EOT
| exp -> yield exp; yield! parseExpressions tokens }
parseOtionalWs simply skips ahead whatever whitespaces it finds.
and parseOptionalWs tokens = match tokens with
| LazyList.Nil -> LazyList.empty
| LazyList.Cons(h, t) ->
match h with
| Ws _ -> parseOptionalWs t
| _ -> tokens
parseExpr is more interesting. It is the main switch that creates expression kinds.
let rec parseExpr tokens = match tokens with
| LazyList.Nil -> EOT, LazyList.empty
| LazyList.Cons(h, t) ->
match h with
| EOF -> parseEOF tokens
| Name _ -> parseName tokens
| Lambda -> parseFunction tokens
| OpenParens -> parseApplication tokens
| token -> errorAtStart "Expression" token
parseEOF is not.
and parseEOF tokens = EOT, LazyList.empty
parseName just returns a EName, unwrapping it from Name.
and parseName tokens = EName (head tokens |> unwrapName), tail tokens
Unwrap just unwraps it.
let unwrapName = function
| Name(s) -> s
| tok -> errorExpecting "a Name" <| writeToken tok
parseFunction just conumes a Lambda, a name, a Dot token, a body (i.e. \x.x)and assembles them in a Function:
and parseFunction tokens =
let tokens = consumeToken Lambda tokens
let name, tokens = parseName tokens
let tokens = consumeToken Dot tokens
let body, tokens = parseExpr tokens
Function(name, body), tokens
consumeToken tries to consume a token generating an error if it doesn’t find it:
let consumeToken token =
genericConsumeToken (fun token' _ -> errorExpecting (writeToken token') (writeToken token)) token
genericConsumeToken is just a generalization of the function above:
let genericConsumeToken noMatch token = function
| LazyList.Nil -> LazyList.empty
| LazyList.Cons(h, t) as originalTokens ->
match h with
| tok when tok = token -> t
| tok -> noMatch token originalTokens
The last thing left to consume is an application which is in this form (func args):
and parseApplication tokens =
let tokens = consumeToken OpenParens tokens
let funExpr, tokens = parseExpr tokens
let tokens = parseOptionalWs tokens
let argExpr, tokens = parseExpr tokens
let tokens = consumeToken CloseParens tokens
Application(funExpr, argExpr), tokens
Various error and utility functions are defined below:
let errorEOF expecting = failwith ("Expected " + expecting + ", got EOF")
let errorExpecting expecting gotToken = failwith ("Expected " + expecting + ", got" + gotToken)
let errorAtStart expecting gotToken = failwith ("Expected " + expecting + " which cannot start with" + writeToken gotToken)
let tail = LazyList.tail
let head = LazyList.head
And that is the parser. All 100+ lines of it. As you can tell it is rather formulaic to go from a grammar to a lexer and a parser, which is why you shouldn’t do it, but instead let a tool generate the code for you given the grammar or use FParsec.
We have written 200+ code and I don’t think we can be too proud of our achievement. It is:
- Certainly buggy
- Primitive in error handling
- Not tail recursive (big text is likely to blow up our stack)
- Probably inefficient
So let’s look next at a better way to do it.
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