Volley (or racketball or beach-volley) simulation & probability distribution


This is a Jupyter note­book con­verted to blog post by nbcon­vert. The note­book is here. To com­ment or con­tribute, please open an is­sue or a pull re­quest on the repos­i­tory.

The aim is to dis­cover the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a set/​game/​match in vol­ley­ball/​beach vol­ley/​rack­et­ball/​bad­ming­ton/…, given the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a point. The model is based on the as­sump­tion that the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a point is con­stant and in­de­pen­dent of the pre­vi­ous points. This is a sim­pli­fi­ca­tion, but it is a good start­ing point to un­der­stand the game.

Later, we will de­rive an­a­lyt­i­cal for­mu­las and com­pare the re­sults of the sim­u­la­tion with the an­a­lyt­i­cal for­mu­las.

Let’s start with the sim­u­la­tion.

import random
import pandas as pd

def simulate_volley(a_win_prob=0.52, max_games=1000, sets_to_win=2, points_to_win_standard=21, points_to_win_last=15):
    Simulate a volleyball match between two teams with given probabilities of winning a point.

    a_win_prob (float): Probability of team A winning a point.
    max_games (int): Maximum number of games to simulate.
    sets_to_win (int): Number of sets to win the match.
    points_to_win_standard (int): Number of points to win a set unless it's the last set and we are tied.
    points_to_win_last (int): Number of points to win the last set if we are tied.
    a_wins = b_wins = a_tot_points = b_tot_points = a_tot_sets = b_tot_sets = 0
    rows = []

    while a_wins + b_wins < max_games:
        a_sets = b_sets = 0

        while a_sets < sets_to_win and b_sets < sets_to_win:
            a_points = b_points = 0
            points_to_win = points_to_win_standard if a_sets + b_sets < 2 * sets_to_win - 1 else points_to_win_last

            while not (a_points >= points_to_win and a_points - b_points >= 2) and not (b_points >= points_to_win and b_points - a_points >= 2):
                flag = 1
                a_win_point = random.random() < a_win_prob
                if a_win_point:
                    a_points += 1; a_tot_points += 1
                if not a_win_point:
                    b_points += 1; b_tot_points += 1

                if a_points >= points_to_win and a_points - b_points >= 2:
                    a_sets += 1; a_tot_sets += 1; flag = 2
                if b_points >= points_to_win and b_points - a_points >= 2:
                    b_sets += 1; b_tot_sets += 1; flag = 2

                if a_sets == sets_to_win:
                    a_wins += 1; flag = 3
                if b_sets == sets_to_win:
                    b_wins += 1; flag = 3

                rows.append({'F': flag, 'P': int(a_win_point), 'AS': a_sets, 'BS': b_sets, 'AP': a_points, 'BP': b_points,  'AW': a_wins, 'BW': b_wins, 'ATS': a_tot_sets, 'BTS': b_tot_sets, 'ATP': a_tot_points, 'BTP': b_tot_points})

    return rows

Check for convergence

Let’s check that the var­i­ous prob­a­bil­i­ties con­verge to a sta­ble value.

rows = simulate_volley(0.52)

df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['F', 'P', 'AS', 'BS', 'AP', 'BP', 'AW', 'BW', 'ATS', 'BTS','ATP', 'BTP'])
df['WP'] = df['AW'] / (df['AW'] + df['BW'])
df['SP'] = df['ATS'] / (df['ATS'] + df['BTS'])
df['PP'] = df['ATP'] / (df['ATP'] + df['BTP'])

# Avoids SettingWithCopyWarning
pd.options.mode.copy_on_write = True

# Create a dataset containing just rows where Flag is 2
dfp = df[df['F'] == 1]
dfs = df[df['F'] == 2]
dfw = df[df['F'] == 3]

# Plot first N, N1 rows
N = 150
N1 = int(len(dfp['PP']) / 4)
dfw = dfw.head(N)
dfs = dfs.head(N)
dfp = dfp.head(N1)

# Create an increasing integer sequence for x-values
dfw['x'] = range(0, N)
dfs['x'] = range(0, N)
dfp['x']  = range(0, N1)

print(df[['WP', 'SP', 'PP']].tail(1))

# On the same plot, plot the winning probability, set winning probability, and point winning probability in time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 10))

dfw.plot(x='x', y='WP', ax=ax[0], title='Winning Probability');
dfs.plot(x='x', y='SP', ax=ax[1], title='Set Winning Probability');
dfp.plot(x='x', y='PP', ax=ax[2], title='Point Winning Probability');
          WP        SP        PP
92266  0.652  0.609325  0.520164



Then we sim­u­late beach vol­ley (2 sets to win, to 21 points each set ex­cept the last to 15) and vol­ley (3 sets to win, to 25 each set ex­cept the last to 15).

The re­sults look sim­i­lar to the real data in this blog post

We sim­u­late just in the range of 0.5 to 0.65 for the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a point, as the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a set/​match be­come 1 very quickly for higher val­ues.

The re­sults show two things:

This code can be use­ful to fig­ure out other char­ac­ter­is­tics of the game that might be dif­fi­cult to model with the an­a­lyt­i­cal for­mu­las de­vel­oped be­low.

def simulate_volley_prob(low_prob=0.5, high_prob=0.6, step=0.01, max_games=10000, n_sets = 2, points_to_win_standard=21, points_to_win_last=15):
    result = []
    for i in range(int(low_prob * 100), int(high_prob * 100), int(step * 100)):
        rows = simulate_volley(i / 100, max_games=max_games, sets_to_win=n_sets, points_to_win_standard=points_to_win_standard, points_to_win_last=points_to_win_last)
        stats = rows[-1]
        result.append({'Prob': i / 100, 'WP': stats['AW'] / (stats['AW'] + stats['BW']),
                      'SP': stats['ATS'] / (stats['ATS'] + stats['BTS']),
                      'PP': stats['ATP'] / (stats['ATP'] + stats['BTP'])})
    return result

result_2sets = simulate_volley_prob(0.5, 0.65, 0.01, n_sets=2, points_to_win_standard=21, points_to_win_last=15)
result_3sets = simulate_volley_prob(0.5, 0.65, 0.01, n_sets=3, points_to_win_standard=25, points_to_win_last=15)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))

df_2sets = pd.DataFrame(result_2sets)
df_2sets.plot(x='Prob', y=['WP', 'SP', 'PP'], title='Winning Probability 2 Sets', ax=axs[0]);

df_3sets = pd.DataFrame(result_3sets)
df_3sets.plot(x='Prob', y=['WP', 'SP', 'PP'], title='Winning Probability 3 Sets', ax=axs[1]);



Fitting a function

Here we fit a func­tion to the data in the in­ter­val shown. As it turns out, a sig­moid does so pretty well. This is a brute force em­pir­i­cally de­rived re­sult. Maybe there is a the­ory be­hind it, but I don’t know it.

The fit looks pretty good.

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def func(x, a, b, c):
    return a / (1 + np.exp(-b * (x - c)))

def fit_curve(df, column):
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, df['Prob'], df[column])
    return popt

popt_2sets_WP = fit_curve(df_2sets, 'WP')
popt_3sets_WP = fit_curve(df_3sets, 'WP')
popt_2sets_SP = fit_curve(df_2sets, 'SP')
popt_3sets_SP = fit_curve(df_3sets, 'SP')

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12))

df_2sets.plot(x='Prob', y='WP', title='Winning Probability 2 Sets', ax=axs[0, 0]);
axs[0, 0].plot(df_2sets['Prob'], func(df_2sets['Prob'], *popt_2sets_WP), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f' % tuple(popt_2sets_WP))

df_3sets.plot(x='Prob', y='WP', title='Winning Probability 3 Sets', ax=axs[0, 1]);
axs[0, 1].plot(df_3sets['Prob'], func(df_3sets['Prob'], *popt_3sets_WP), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f' % tuple(popt_3sets_WP))

df_2sets.plot(x='Prob', y='SP', title='Set Probability 2 Sets', ax=axs[1, 0]);
axs[1, 0].plot(df_2sets['Prob'], func(df_2sets['Prob'], *popt_2sets_SP), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f' % tuple(popt_2sets_SP))

df_3sets.plot(x='Prob', y='SP', title='Set Probability 3 Sets', ax=axs[1, 1]);
axs[1, 1].plot(df_3sets['Prob'], func(df_3sets['Prob'], *popt_3sets_SP), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f' % tuple(popt_3sets_SP))

for ax in axs.flat:



Fit using a Bernoulli trial model

We can model a set as a Bernoulli trial, an­swer­ing the ques­tion of get­ting at least k suc­cesses be­fore the rth fail­ure where k and r are the same: the num­ber of points needed to win a set. Similarly, we can ap­ply the same for­mula to the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a match given the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a set.

The ap­prox­i­ma­tion works quite well, de­spite the im­per­fec­tion of hav­ing to win a set by at least 2 points, which is not con­sid­ered in the an­a­lyt­i­cal for­mula, but it is in the sim­u­la­tion. My in­tu­ition is that once you get to 24-24 and con­tinue play­ing, the prob­a­bil­ity does­n’t change.

The for­mula is taken from here.

It is this:


My in­tu­itive ex­pla­na­tion for the for­mula above fol­lows.

Imagine you want the prob­a­bil­ity of 3 suc­cesses be­fore 3 fail­ures, given the prob­a­bil­ity of suc­cess p.

There is just one way to get to 3-0, by 3 suc­cesses in a row -> WWW


There are 4 ways to get to 3-1, but WWWL does­n’t count as the match stops at 3-0, hence we are left with LWWW WLWW WWLW. Which can be tought of as all the way to pick 2 wins out out of the first 3 slots, hence (32).


Equally, you can think at the bi­no­mial be­low as all the ways to get 2 wins in the first 4 slots.


The fit is pretty good here too, but now we have a the­o­ret­i­cal ex­pla­na­tion for it, which is al­ways nice.

from scipy.special import comb

# Range ends in j instead of j-1 as in the formula because the range function is exclusive
def prob_at_least_k_successes_before_r_failures(k, r):
    return lambda x: sum([comb(k - 1 + j, k -1 ) * x**k * (1 - x)** j for j in range(0, r)])

prob_at_least_21 = lambda x: prob_at_least_k_successes_before_r_failures(21, 21)(x)
prob_at_least_25 = lambda x: prob_at_least_k_successes_before_r_failures(25, 25)(x)

prob_win_2sets = lambda x: prob_at_least_k_successes_before_r_failures(2, 2)(prob_at_least_21(x))
prob_win_3sets = lambda x: prob_at_least_k_successes_before_r_failures(3, 3)(prob_at_least_25(x))

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12))

df_2sets.plot(x='Prob', y='WP', title='Winning Probability 2 Sets', ax=axs[0, 0]);
axs[0, 0].plot(df_2sets['Prob'], prob_win_2sets(df_2sets['Prob']), 'g-', label='P(win 2 sets before opponent wins 2 sets)')

df_3sets.plot(x='Prob', y='WP', title='Winning Probability 3 Sets', ax=axs[0, 1]);
axs[0, 1].plot(df_2sets['Prob'], prob_win_3sets(df_2sets['Prob']), 'g-', label='P(win 3 sets before opponent wins 3 sets)')

df_2sets.plot(x='Prob', y='SP', title='Set Probability 2 Sets', ax=axs[1, 0]);
axs[1, 0].plot(df_2sets['Prob'], prob_at_least_21(df_2sets['Prob']), 'g-', label='P(>=21 successes before 21 failures)')

df_3sets.plot(x='Prob', y='SP', title='Set Probability 3 Sets', ax=axs[1, 1]);
axs[1, 1].plot(df_3sets['Prob'], prob_at_least_25(df_3sets['Prob']), 'g-', label='P(>=25 successes before 25 failures)')

# show labels
for ax in axs.flat:



A linear approximation

In the more rea­son­able range, 0.50 - 0.55 a lin­ear ap­prox­i­ma­tion works pretty good. So, if you are tight on re­sources, you can use this ap­prox­i­ma­tion with­out too much loss of fi­delity.

# Take just the rows with probability less than 0.56
df_2sets_low = df_2sets[df_2sets['Prob'] < 0.56]
df_3sets_low = df_3sets[df_3sets['Prob'] < 0.56]

# Do a linear fit on the data and plot the data and the fit
from scipy.stats import linregress

def fit_linear(df):
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(df['Prob'], df['WP'])
    return slope, intercept

slope_2sets, intercept_2sets = fit_linear(df_2sets_low)
slope_3sets, intercept_3sets = fit_linear(df_3sets_low)

print(slope_2sets, intercept_2sets)
print(slope_3sets, intercept_3sets)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))

df_2sets_low.plot(x='Prob', y='WP', title='Winning Probability 2 Sets', ax=axs[0]);
axs[0].plot(df_2sets_low['Prob'], slope_2sets * df_2sets_low['Prob'] + intercept_2sets, 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f' % (slope_2sets, intercept_2sets))

df_3sets_low.plot(x='Prob', y='WP', title='Winning Probability 3 Sets', ax=axs[1]);
axs[1].plot(df_3sets_low['Prob'], slope_3sets * df_3sets_low['Prob'] + intercept_3sets, 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f' % (slope_3sets, intercept_3sets))

# show labels
for ax in axs:

6.837142857142849 -2.906399999999996
8.25314285714285 -3.6039333333333294



The prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a set/​match is not lin­ear with the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a point and it is much higher. The longer the set/​match, the more the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a set/​match is higher than the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a point. A sig­moid func­tion fits the data pretty well, but a lin­ear ap­prox­i­ma­tion works well in the range 0.50-0.55. A Bernoulli trial model can be used to ap­prox­i­mate the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a set/​match given the prob­a­bil­ity of win­ning a point.
